School has really gotten in the way and my blog hasn't seen much love.
So here's a little throwback from the winter!
In the States, cheap sweatshirts are everywhere. Every-time they are on sale at places like Walmart or Target I just cannot pass them up. $2 bucks for a Hanes super soft sweatshirt?! YEAH ILL BUY IT.
Only problem is - I have so many. And I love to wear them in the winter, but they are so boring... and I look like I didn't even try. The Solution? An easy DIY thats cheap, cute and only requires a little bit of sewing knowledge.
All you need is a needle and thread, sew-able (with holes) acrylic gems, and a sweatshirt! Just sew on any design you want! Here are some pictures of my process. I just did a simple design around the collar...its not every symmetrical - but who cares! its MY sweatshirt!
And the finished product, as shown on a picture from my Instagram! Follow me! @omglani